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Tratamiento ético de la violencia de género en los medios

Tratamiento ético de la violencia de género en los medios

Tratamiento ético de la violencia de género en los medios

María Sánchez-Ramos

LPRL Versión Martina

LPRL Versión Martina

LPRL Versión Martina

Vicente Valera


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The basics of Spanish Administrative Law

Autor/a : María Jesús García García

This book deals with the basics of Spanish Administrative Law. The volume aims to provide students with legal terminology and the basic legal vocabulary they need for an introductory approach to the field of Administrative Law.

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This book deals with the basics of Spanish Administrative Law. The volume aims to provide students with legal terminology and the basic legal vocabulary they need for an introductory approach to the field of Administrative Law. The book also introduces functional language, which allows learners to apply the vocabulary they have learnt to their legal studies and use English in a legal environment. The book contains fourteen units covering a wide variety of legal vocabulary related to Public Law. Topics include sources of Administrative Law, regulations, government organization and operation, administrative decisions and decision-making procedures, parts involved in an administrative procedure, validity and the taking of effect of decisions, means of enforcement, the invalidity of administrative decisions, internal review, administrative appeals and judicial review. The volume is intended as an introductory handbook to assist students who were previously unfamiliar with Spanish Administrative Law in English, namely Law students, but also students from other academic backgrounds whose study programs include Administrative Law or Public Law, such as business degrees and the like.

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    Biblioteca Universitaria de Editorial Tecnos

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  • Colección

    Biblioteca Universitaria de Editorial Tecnos

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  • Clasificación IBIC


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Libros de María Jesús García García

Ventana Abierta

Yo, la Unión Europea

Yo, la Unión Europea

Biblioteca Universitaria de Editorial Tecnos

La Unión Europea en 100 esquemas y 10 metáforas

La Unión Europea en 100 esquemas y 10 metáforas

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